A Daily Memorial

A Daily Memorial

Archival prints on paper
30 x 40 cm

I took everyone who came to visit me here to watch the sunset. When I was sitting with my brother at this spot, he said, ‘What a loaded sunset.’ When I arrived in Sweden, I reflected on my time at this spot. Over the course of six months, I photographed the sunset from the edge of the island, looking out toward the sea. I realized, in retrospect, that I had unintentionally created an archive.

This became a series of dozens of sunset photos taken in Samaná, Dominican Republic. They are reflections on the weight of a sunset in a landscape that was once home to both the first indigenous resistance to Columbus and the vision of a free Black island during the unification of Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Today, the region is undergoing rapid gentrification by foreign investors in the tourism industry.

Seven prints from this series were acquired by St. Göran’s Hospital’s Psychiatric Department in Stockholm, Sweden.

Archive of Destruction

Archive of Destruction
Color pencil on paper
100 x  70cm ea

Between the lush tropical vegetation, the earth revealed itself, rich in a dark red-orange tone. It took a little while for my brain to register what I was seeing. Machines had just uprooted and removed the vegetation to make way for the new construction that would soon cover the earth’s wound.

Archive of Destruction is a series of drawings based on images I took at various scales of earth being excavated and cut prior to luxury construction projects in Samaná, Dominican Republic. This series is an ongoing archive of the deforestation happening throughout the region due to the massive ‘touristification’ of the Samaná region.

Archive of Destruction II

Archive of Destruction II

Pastel on paper
100 x 70cm

The palm tree is a warning. They line the edges of the island, marking both an end and a beginning. In this series, I reinterpret the exotic symbol of the palm tree as a sign of what is to come.

Archive of Destruction II is a series of drawings inspired by Édouard Glissant’s quote: “One could feel the power of the hurricane one knew would come.” This series reflects on the anticipation of hurricanes in life, society, and landscapes.

Of Bodies

Of Bodies
Thumbtacks on raw linen canvas
60 x 130cm

Taken from nodes, lines, and arrows from Spanish, English, and French “Transatlantic Trade” maps, 

Of Bodies reflects on the inherent violence frivolously hinted at with curved lines in colonial cartographies.

Recuerdos Desconocidos 

Recuerdos Desconocidos
Collage and poem
Featured in Disc Journal Issue 4 

Intento ver si encuentro pistas de quienes éramos entre la páginas de un archivo imaginario.

Sigo acumulando cartas y fotos del pasado.

Pero cada mota de polvo me deja anhelando una memoria que no existe.

Comienzo a construir mitos con las imágenes, como si pudiera reescribir la historia.

For my dad

For my dad
Acrylic on paper
120 x 85 cm

Dismembered 1960s American military maps of Mao, Dominican Republic on paper.

between absences

between absences
ink on paper
75 x 55 cm

self portrait 

self portrait
Ink on paper
75 x 55 cm

Still Processing

Still Processing
Ink on paper
75 x 55 cm


Thumbtacks on canvas
60 x 60 cm ea